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Firefly - Original "Mal browncoat" maker now available to make reproductions !

Saturday 24 December 2005, by Webmaster

Click on the link :


He will make you a browncoat just like Mal’s - which he certainly has experience with since he made all of the Firefly Mal coats - in sizes small, medium, or large. Custom sizes up or down are also available. The coats will, if available, include duplicates of the clasps which were cast for Firefly. Mr. Logan has researched and obtained leathers which will as closely match Mal’s original browncoat as possible, just for the Firefly/Serenity community!

To get your Logan Browncoat, contact him for further information and pricing at:

Jonathan A. Logan - Custom Leathers
8336 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Phone: 800-472-5984 or 323-653-9155
Fax: 323-653-9730

Please reference this message when you contact him.

Clasps are not available for sale separate from the coat.