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Firefly - ’Serenity’ Movie Trailer - Chud.com Review

By Devin Faraci

Thursday 28 April 2005, by Webmaster


Universal has put together an action packed couple of minutes with just a little bit of terrible music. Otherwise this thing just kicks ass - fast, funny and looking pretty damn good. The FX look great, and baddie Chiwetel Ejiofor looks BAD ASS. When Captain Mal Reynolds says, "I don’t kill children," Ejiofor replies "I do." Niiiice.

Look, I’ve been on the record as saying that this film won’t bring in the crowds. Slick ads like this will only help, so good work to Universal. And while I may have doubts about the film’s commercial prospects, I have no qualms in saying that I think I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it.