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’Firefly’ To Return To Small Screen ?

By Alan Stanley Blair

Sunday 19 December 2004, by Webmaster

Many people doubted that the idea of a space western would float. And to some extent they were correct.

When “Firefly” made its debut last year, it was critically acclaimed. But its less than stellar ratings ultimately led to its demise.

But that didn’t stop series mastermind Joss Whedon, who is now in post-production of “Serenity,” a feature film based on the canceled television series.

In a stunning revelation in an interview with About.com, Nathan Fillion (Capt. Malcom Reynolds) confirmed that the “Firefly” story might not end with “Serenity” - there might still be 2 other movies to come.

"If this first movie does well, we’re all roped into a trilogy," Fillion said. "We all signed for a trilogy, so if this first one does well, we’re going to do two more."

The actor also hinted at the possibility of another television series should the movie become a success, a thought which would likely please “Firefly” fans everywhere.

Fillion, who previously made a five-episode stint on Whedon’s other series, “Buffy The Vampire Slayer,” said he couldn’t help but praise the man in his big screen directorial debut.

"Joss is a brilliant man," he said. "He’s one of those guys that is so very, very clever, he can leave you in the dust intellectually. But he’s one of those guys that keeps his feet on the ground and doesn’t ever make you feel stupid. He’s far more intelligent than I. How he does it? I don’t know. If I could kill him and take that talent I would."

“Serenity,” which reunites all nine cast members from the television series, also will feature a few popular recurring characters, and is slated to hit the big screen in September.

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