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Firefly fans refuse to go quietly into the night, but...

Friday 20 January 2006, by Webmaster

Firefly fans refuse to go quietly into the night. CMGaretJax writes "The Browncoats, a fan group based around the hit cult TV show Firefly, and the more recent movie, Serenity, have set up a website for donations from people who want to see another season of Firefly. So far they have raised $840 dollars against an estimated cost of 1 million per episode. An admirable attempt, and one that will hopefully pick up steam, the show really is too pretty to die.

From Browncoatsriseagain.com :

I got lots of well thought out responses and flames for our fund-raising idea to re-light Firefly. It brought out a lot of bitterness in people that I simply did not expect. It also brought a lot of generosity and love I didn’t fully expect either.

We stopped taking donations today, not because of the bitterness, but because of a television producer who got a hold of me and taught me a little more about the inside of the television world. It was an authentic perspective I was not aware of.

It’s about not being an albatross around Joss’ neck. A lot of decisions in Film/TV are made on an emotional level. We were approaching this entirely from a logical level (nerds that we are). It was made clear to me that a decision maker would react badly to fan’s money being involved in the production no matter how it was presented.

So, after a night of tossing and turning, I woke up this morning and decided to close down the fund-riasing portion of our campaign before it got really big and impossible to stop. I just completed refunding everyone’s money. I closed the account so no more money would come in.

We do have several other ideas to continue our campaign and help with DVD sales and marketing those numbers to the decision makers. Our campaign has just begun, now with an even stronger front. I hope to partner with other Browncoats in the ’verse to make this happen.

Again, thank you all for your input and support. Look for an update by early next week!

Andrew Schultz

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