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Firefly in the Top Five Shows Whose Cancellations Are Wrongly Bemoaned

Friday 19 November 2010, by Webmaster

Here’s where I’m going to start getting into real trouble, but I don’t mean to offend you browncoats. I love Joss. I love Nathan Fillion, et al. And I enjoyed Firefly. It’s a little silly for my taste (as is Joss’s wont), but I understand the love. It’s just personally, and feel free to crucify, I feel like it worked better as a movie. I loved Serenity. The extra budget, and the feeling of "this is our last chance so we better make it count" that the film production seemed to have, raised the bar from where it had been set on TV. As a TV show I thought it often felt cheap and slight, but when those characters got onto the big screen it all came alive for me. Maybe I’m off, but I’m glad it got cancelled, because I’m glad we have Serenity.


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