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Firefly name question answered on Courier-journal.com

Tuesday 21 March 2006, by Webmaster

Hey: I remember watching a show in the early 2000s. It was some sort of sci-fi on Fox.

People traveled around space and shot at other people while they smuggled stuff. The captain of the ship was named Mal, I think.

I remember this show was canceled. Can you find its name and tell me whether it was ever uncanceled? Also, is it on DVD? — Ted, by e-mail

Dear Ted: The show was "Firefly," which ran on Fox in 2002. It was created by Joss Whedon, who also gave us "Buffy the Vampire Slayer."

Nathan Fillion played Capt. Mal Reynolds. Other cast members included Gina Torres, Adam Baldwin and Alan Tudyk.

Although it was canceled, "Firefly" has been a big seller on DVD.

Last year’s film "Serenity" was a feature-length version of the show with the same characters. "Serenity" is on DVD as well.