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From Poplollies.com


Firefly’s Browncoat Uber-Store is open !

Wednesday 29 June 2005, by Webmaster

3 Forum messages

  • > Firefly’s Browncoat Uber-Store is open !

    30 June 2005 01:39, by Anonymous
    I LOVE Firefly and look forward to ’Serenity’. But the stuff in this store is stupid! Who would actually wear a shirt that says "girlie-man"??? And why would they assume Firefly fans want out troops out of Iraq? As someone who knows and speaks to several who serve, they believe they are doing good things for that country. I’m ashamed this crap somehow got linked with Firefly!
  • > Firefly’s Browncoat Uber-Store is open !

    30 June 2005 10:20, by weirdfrog
    Speaking to the first poster here...Either you mistakenly went to the wrong site, or you’re a troll. I saw nothing at "poplollies" serenity store which bears any resemblance to what you described. Just fan stuff for sale. Just get it or forget it. Either way.
  • > Firefly’s Browncoat Uber-Store is open !

    30 June 2005 16:10, by draiz

    It’s there >>see url<<

    but it’s not firefly related, they just happen to be selling other things like those t-shirts...

    Anyway, cool firefly store!

    Browncoats of the world, unite :p

    See online : http://www.poplollies.com/ecomm_t-s...