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Buffy : Season 8

Georges Jeanty - "Buffy : Season 8" Comic Book - Issue 30 - Slayalive.com Q&A

Monday 30 November 2009, by Webmaster

1. Hellbound Hyperion: I’ve heard tell that adding the snowstorm into the end of #30 was done after the Hughes cover was delivered. Was it stressful to have to do that or did you have a good time with it? Also, just how much giddy joy did you have when drawing the final panel of #30? Excruciating details, if at all possible.

Georges: Yeah, that was strange. I didn’t know about the Adam Hughes cover until I saw it and I wondered why there was snow! I would argue that Buffy and Co. are in the Tibetan moutains where it does snow the farther up you go, so he wasn’t totally wrong, and I think it gave a nice juxtaposition to Buffy flying at the end. I had no idea what Buffy was going to be doing until I read that script and I didn’t catch on that she was going to be able to fly for a while. The way the script was written it seemed like Buffy opened her eyes and she was looking down, but that’s all. I hadn’t caught on to it, and it wasn’t until I was drawing that scene that I thought, wait a minute, she’s flying?! There is a pay off to all this, believe me, so if you’re thinking that Joss is just losing his mind because Buffy is in comic form and doing just any old thing he wants, he isn’t. There is a point to all this. All will be revealed in time young Padwan!

2. bamph: I’m assuming Buffy is flying at the end of the issue.What was your reaction to learning about it and having to draw it?

Georges: Shock! Surprise! Oh god, we’re all about to die?! No really, I think I answered that in question one. I’m having a lot more fun drawing her flying in future issues.....

3. bamph: Now that the issue is out,can you tell us what you were going to say at the Baltimore Comic Con in regards to issue 30?

Georges: That was it. That she’s flying at the end of that issue. Surprise! Did we hit ya with a bonafide WTF?

4. bamph: Why did you guys think this issue would piss people off and have the pitchforks out?

Georges: I’m still waiting on the backlash of naysayers saying that all Joss is doing is throwing every odd thing in there because he now has an unlimited budget. If I didn’t know how all this turned out, I’d certainly entertain the idea! But remember who we’re talking about here. The man has a plan just like he did in Seasons 1 through 7!

5. AndrewCrossett: When Buffy is lying in the snow, there’s a kind of weird effect where there are circles of snow over her eyes, but nowhere else on her. Is there anything meaningful about that?

Georges: I was just trying to get across that she was probably laying there for hours. Most of her body is covered, but since she’s at an angle on the hill, her top half would be the last to be covered. Also, I think the fact that she’s covered in snow and not at all cold says a little more about Miss Summers state. The power of flight isn’t the only thing she’s gained....

6. stormwreath: Is that Kennedy who’s driving the jeep with Buffy and Willow in this issue? And is it Satsu who’s briefly holding the Scythe, and then pushes Buffy out of the way of the soldier taking a shot at her? Or are they just random Slayers?

Georges: I guess I need to go back to the drawing board if you can’t tell the players (Slayers?) That is Satsu driving the jeep and also Satsu pushing Buffy out of the way of a bullet. I think that after their relationship, Satsu has become somewhat possessive about Buffy in that she doesn’t want to see her come to any harm and if she can protect her when she needs it she will. You ever have someone break up with you but was real nice about it and while you were hurt you don’t feel llike you want any harm to come to that person? I think that’s how Satsu feels. That’s just me talking here but I think Satsu will always hold a candle for Buffy regardless of their relationship.

7. girlinquestion: Thanks for my sketchbook! I loves it! Anyway, on with the question asking. I know with animating listening to music while you work is a big no-no (even though many of us do it anyway ). Does that also apply to you when you do your pencil work or do you find that music helps you focus? If so, what music do you find most appropriate to listen to while you work?

Georges: No, with me, listening to music is a must! It’s the only way I know of getting through sitting there for hours! That and Audiobooks, I’m a fiend for them! Most any music works, like Showtunes, Once more with feeling, anyone? Or whatever. I try to listen to at least one book an issue sometimes I can stick in 2. I’m currently listening to Stephen King’s Under the Dome. It’s a long one too, something like 32 hours! The longer the better, there is a lot of time spent drawing! And always unabridged if I can help it. Music wise, I listen to a lot of the new stuff and a lot of the old. I’m a soul man at heart and I love dance music. Disco, good disco, when it’s at it’s best, is incredible! We can argue what’s good disco. Maybe as a side bar, you all can submit 5 of your favorite disco songs and we’ll see if we all have similar tastes. Oh, that sounds like fun!

8. collex: Hi Georges

I wanted to know, do you get to decide what each character is wearing in a specific panel (for example, in Living Doll, Buffy has her typical patrol hairstyle, Willow wear different dresses depending where she is, etc.) or is it all in the script?

Georges: Most of the time yes. I spend hours looking through fashion catalogs. Anthropologie is a big one. I think at this point, most of the writers know what they’re getting into when they script an issue or arc of Buffy. At least I hope they do. No one has said yet,’ Buffy would never wear that, you loser!’

9. wenxina: In the tradition of these Q&As, I’ll be asking the housekeeping questions. Firstly, how far ahead have you read the scripts? I guess this is my coy way of asking which finalized scripts have come in?

Georges: The scripts are all done when I get it. I usually get a 2nd or 3rd draft. I’m sure there is some rewriting before it sees print as well, and I am in the middle of issue 34 at the moment.

10.wenxina: Housekeeping question part deux: Last we heard, you were done with #32, and had gone back to do #31. Where are you now in terms of pencilling? Btw, I will add that your pace is pretty admirable... a monthly comic is no small feat as a whole, and your job while rather cool, sounds punishing. :)

Georges: It is!! I don’t know that I could keep up this pace if the book wasn’t ending soon. It really is hard. I love what I do but there are times when I don’t even know what I’m drawing becasue I’ve been doing it all day. And some days you get more work done than others. It’s just the nature of the beast. And heaven help me if I get sick. The issue still has to come out. SO please, pray for good health for the next 8 months!

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