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Blue Gloves Assault - Another campaign to bring back Firefly

Monday 30 November 2009, by Webmaster

Time to Recruit, Soldier!

We are doing phenomenally right now, guys- but don’t stop here. We have 37 members (welcome, new Browncoats of the BGA!)- imagine if each of you recruited just five members. We would have over 150 Browncoats on our side! Please, if you haven’t done so already, tell every Browncoat you know and just have them sign up. Family, coworkers, friends, people online, forum surfers, etc.

A few updates on the site. We have added 6 sections.

There is a photo section which has been genrously added to by sagelondon- thank you! Please add more pictures of the ’Verse here- make a section called merchandise and add product pictures. Make a section called Redemption and add pictures from the Browncoats: Redemption movie. Whatever it is, as long as it’s appropriate, add it.

The Testimonials application is superfluous, but lends some credence to the site. Add more testimonials if you want on how pumped you are, how awesome Firefly/Serenity is, or what you want to get the BGA.

The Wiki is just a free-form wiki for you to add any articles about Firefly or Serenity or this site or other movements (the Browncoat movement as a whole, maybe). Please contribute if you can, so we can show people what this is all about when they ask what Firefly is or who the Browncoats are.

The Links sections is just an area for you to find other major Browncoat collectives online, including our affiliates.

On the bottom of the page is a Meebo chat bar for you to communicate with other members in real-time- please coordinate time differences and chat it up!

And of course, the forums are still open and busy, so check them out periodically to find out what nefarious plans your fellow BGA members are devising.

Can’t stop the signal.


Click on the link for more :
