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Guillermo Del Toro - "Hellboy 2" Movie - Chud.com Interview (whedonverse mentions)

Saturday 2 February 2008, by Webmaster


This time Hellboy is married?

Well, he’s living with her.

Right. He’s living with Liz. Are you approaching the character differently this time or the same? How does that work?

Well, the idea that I was attracted was just seeing a relationship. In superhero movies and the same in comics, every time the hero gets a girlfriend she gets killed. There is never a more normal process to those relationships and I was curious about it. You can do it quite nicely on long arc TV with things like ’Firefly’ or ’Buffy’ or any series. You can do that type of thing there, but not on movies. I was curious to see that if the first movie ended with a kiss and flames what’s their life together like a year later. We don’t go into the depth of what you can do in long arc form, but you do get to feel that the characters have changed over that year and they’re different than they were in the first movie. Hellboy is different. Abe is very different. Liz is different. Manning has changed a lot. So you show that so that you don’t come back to the same set of characters in the same set of circumstances.
