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From Fireflyfans.net


Hello out there from Jewel Staite - First Post On Fireflyfans.net

Tuesday 22 June 2004, by Webmaster

Sunday, June 20, 2004 08:01

Hello out there from Jewel


I figured since Nathan and Adam and who knows who else have been posting on here and keeping you guys up to date, I might as well, too. I just bought a new lap top and am very anxious to use it! (If I can figure out how to use it). "Serenity" is a dream come true. Working with these wonderful people who love their jobs so much, every day, all day, is just awesome. WE ARE BACK!!!! Some things have changed, but not a lot, and no, Adam, I’m not giving away any spoilers. I can say this, though: Joss is a genius. This script is truly one of the best I’ve read, and I’m incredibly honored to be doing this film— his first film— and my first film as a lead (!). How exciting is that!! There hasn’t been a bad day yet. Even with dust in your mouth and suncreen running into your eyes and sweat making little pools under your boobs... this is still the best job I’ve ever had. Thank you thank you thank you to the fans out there. Your continued support makes this whole experience even more enjoyable. I’ll write again soon!
