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From Fireflyfans.net


Hi again from Jewel Staite (kaylee)

By Jewel Staite

Sunday 27 June 2004, by cally

Hi again from Jewel Staite

Posted by JEWELSTAITE on Friday, June 25, 2004 09:11

Hey Guys!

I just figured out how to find the "offical boards" for Firefly. It took me long enough. Anyway, I posted there as well. They had a transcript of a Q&A session I did at DreamCon(a few weeks ago), and man, do I say "like" a lot. And "umm."

So we’re finished our exterior stuff. It’s nice to be in an air-conditioned studio— and especially nice when you live ten minutes away from that studio. No more getting up an hour before having to be at work to hit the freeway. BLISS! Rumor has it that some of our "background performers" are secret Browncoats, which is pretty cool. I had no idea you guys were that dedicated! Working on a set isn’t always fabulous and exciting, so just the fact that you guys are willing to sit there for twelve plus hours a day just to participate in the BDM ( I love that you guys call it that) is very, very cool.

DreamCon was a blast, and thank you to everyone that participated in the Q&A sessions. I really and truly wish that those sessions went on for more than an hour— an hour never seems long enough. Starfury was awesome, too, and us Firefly folk got such a positive, strong response out there... It was really uplifting. I was just contacted by the DragonCon people about attending this year. That would be great, since I’ve never been to Atlanta, and they’ve never had a Firefly guest before. If my schedule allows it (which I think it will, unless they want to re-shoot something at the last minute... or the wrap party is that weekend— which I cannot miss, because when we wrapped the series, FOX didn’t give us one, so we’ve been waiting for a proper wrap party for far too damn long), I will be at DragonCon. I cannot WAIT to meet all you crazy browncoats and answer your questions... at least the ones I can without getting sued by Universal (and shunned by Joss).

I went by the set on Universal yesterday and hung out behind the monitor with Joss for awhile. Things are lookin’ good.... The sets (and I’m talking about the ones besides the ship) are gorgeous. So innovative, and different, and beautifully detailed. I can’t wait for your reactions.

Pretty soon, I’m filming some scenes in the engine room. I can’t wait for that. "home sweet home". I’ll update you when I can soon. Thank you again, guys, for posting such positive and inspirational messages. I really love reading your posts.

Take care, fly high.


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