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From Jeff_mariotte.typepad.com


Info On Angel : The Curse & a second Angel comic-book miniseries

Sunday 19 June 2005, by Webmaster

Two bits of Angel-related news. First, pick up the new TV Guide if you can—there’s a piece on Joss Whedon-inspired comics that shows the cover to my Angel: The Curse #1 as well as Peter David’s Spike one-shot. If you squint you can read my name on the cover of Angel: The Curse.

Also, I’ve learned that Joss and Fox have approved my second Angel miniseries, which means that after I get home from the trip I have to get busy working on that one. While The Curse is strictly an Angel solo story with the other characters just showing up in flashback, this one will include most of the gang (those who survived NFA, anyway)—although some of them in unexpected ways. More than that I will not say. It’s the only approved, official continuation of the TV series, though, so if you like Angel you’ll want to be on board. I think it’ll launch in November.