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Internet Searches for Angel have risen 66% last week

Saturday 13 March 2004, by Webmaster

We were intrigued to find searches for the WB television series Angel on a huge rise, up 66 percent over last week. When the WB announced they were canceling Angel (the Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off) fans were quickly up in arms. Angel fans mobilized and started an online petition, to save Angel and are also pursuing a wide array of unique tactics that include sending flower arrangements to WB Executives (supposedly over 200 have been sent), organizing rallies, and even planning a blood drive as a sign of devotion to their favorite vampire with a soul.

An additional fan tactic is actually a "search engine strategy" with a goal of generating further press for the cause. Since we are huge fans of Buffy we here at the Lycos 50 thought we would oblige. Save Angel from Cancellation

As far as searches go, Buffy the Vampire Slayer still gets two times more searches than Angel. Sarah Michelle Gellar the Vampire Slayer (who is supposedly returning to Angel for his final few episodes) gets almost four times as many searches as Angel star, David Boreanaz. And speaking of heartthrob Vampires, James Marsters, vampire "Spike" from both shows gets more searches than David Boreanaz. Maybe Spike should have a spin off?

Only on the internet kids.