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Is the Firefly Feature Still in the Works ?

Thursday 11 December 2003

The question on fans’ minds is whether or not they’ll ever see a big screen adaptation of the popular Firefly series which left the small screen way too soon. TV Guide chatted with its creator, Joss Whedon, about what’s happening with the project.

It looks like that big-screen Firefly movie has been temporarily grounded. In September it was announced that Joss Whedon had struck a deal with Universal to turn his short-lived Fox series into a feature film, with shooting expected to begin in early ’04. But in an interview with TV Guide Online, the acclaimed Buffy auteur hints that the much-talked-about venture has not in fact been cleared for takeoff.

"I have interest, I have hope, but I have no news," says Whedon. "I can’t really talk about it. When there is news, I will [tell you]. But if I start talking about it before there is [anything definitive to say], it lessens the chance that [it will get made]." (Calls to Universal were not returned.) This much Whedon can say: Any Firefly flick would be accessible to fans and non-fans alike. "Assuming it actually happens - which I cannot - yeah, the idea is I’m trying to write a movie that everybody who hasn’t seen the show could enjoy, but that doesn’t repeat anything that we have seen on the show."