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Joss Whedon Talks About The Serenity Logo

Thursday 2 December 2004, by Webmaster

Joss Whedon :

Yup, that’s the logo — for the film itself. I don’t know what the adverts will use — could be different. Depends on what feeling they’re looking to evoke. Bye for now !

2 Forum messages

  • > Joss Whedon Talks About The Serenity Logo

    5 December 2004 07:43, by Fortyseven
    While it’s not exactly Comic Sans, that font has seen a lot of action. At the very least either commission someone to make a new font design, or look for something more unique. As it is, that font just ruins it and makes it look rather amateur.

    See online : http://BTEG.us/

  • > Joss Whedon Talks About The Serenity Logo

    12 December 2004 13:48, by Anonymous
    I wonder who decided on Papyrus as a font. Isn’t it a bit overused?