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Joss Whedon’s ’Firefly’ Heads to Big Screen

Wednesday 3 March 2004, by Webmaster

Whedon’s ’Firefly’ Heads to Big Screen

Wednesday, March 3, 2004

It took nearly two years, but Joss Whedon is finally going to be able to continue the adventures of the misfit crew of his cancelled scifi series Firefly.

Universal Pictures, which bought the rights from Fox about six months ago, has given the green light to production of a big screen version to be called Serenity. The name change is an effort to present the film as something new rather than a TV spin-off in which anyone not familiar with the show will be left in the dust wondering what’s going on and who people are.

Cancellation of the series led to a huge outcry from fans and Whedon tried shopping around other networks in the hope of reviving it. When that proved to be impossible, he began to focus on a movie version instead.

The original cast are all on board with production slated for June and a 2005 release.

1 Message

  • > Joss Whedon’s ’Firefly’ Heads to Big Screen

    10 March 2004 21:30, by larissa

    dear joss whedon,

    im so mad that they took buffy out, it was such a good show.i my self am a big fan of buffy and is the only good show so far shownd on t.v if there was something you all could do please try to put buffy back on.

    larissa lopez progreso,tx