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From Skyone.co.uk


Martin Eden (Official Angel Mag Editor) - Skyone Interview

Monday 5 April 2004, by Webmaster

Q And Angel

Most of you just want to know why Angel has been cancelled but here’s a selection of your Angel questions, answered by the editor of the Official Angel Magazine, Martin Eden.

Vicki: Will we be able to buy Angel season six on DVD even though it’s not going to be shown in the UK?

I’m afraid not, Vicki. After filming finishes on Season Five, there are no plans - at the time of writing - to film any more seasons of Angel. Having said that - who knows? - there might be a TV movie or something , maybe even a mini-series, which would most probably be available on DVD eventually.

Candace Behrens: Are the rumours true that Sky One is trying to save Angel? I would really like to know because I am just dying for some good information! Can you also give me any more new information about Angel’s current situation? I would really appreciate it!

Sky One actually released a statement to some of their viewers who made enquiries. Sky’s statement basically said: "Unfortunately, the decision not to commission another season is with the network in question (i.e. The WB) and beyond our influence." As for the show’s current situation - filming finishes in the middle of April and then, for the time being, that’s it. At the time of writing, there is no official news of any more Angel or any Buffyverse spin-offs - although the President of Mutant Enemy has stated that "Mutant Enemy already has plans for more tales from the world of Angel". There were no further details, so I don’t know any more! It’s frustrating, isn’t it?!

Michael Findlater: Does the magazine have any plans to lobby The WB for a stay of the show’s execution?

To be honest, Michael, we’re quite a small fish in a very big pond. We would have just the same impact as popular websites and such like, so we’re happy to let them continue their hard work while we focus on putting the magazine together. What we have been doing, however, is alerting readers to established campaigns/petitions and updating information, both in our news pages and in personal replies to readers’ emails.

Adam Hughes: Is the Save Angel campaign going to make any difference?

Yes, and no. I think the campaign makes a very big difference in terms of making the TV executives sit up and take notice. It makes people realise how much the fans love the show and how hungry they are for more. Look at Farscape - a popular show, cancelled in a very similar (i.e. stupid) way to Angel, and they’re filming a mini-series right now - and I’m sure that happened, in part, because of the massive Save Farscape campaign. Hopefully, the Save Angel campaign will also make executives think harder about cancelling other popular shows in the future. Personally, I was baffled by the decision, especially since Angel was doing so well in the ratings. To answer the question from a business perspective, however, I think that when this type of announcement is made, a lot of meetings have already been had and a lot of decisions have already been set in stone. When a show gets cancelled, the actors and writers are going to start to look for new projects to work on - life has to go on.

Lauraleafo1: Will both magazines continue now that neither Buffy nor Angel will be on the air?

Absolutely, and the same goes for the Buffy Magazine. There are still a lot of exciting things happening. Plus, you never know what’s around the corner in terms of spin-offs, movies and TV movies. Joss Whedon is too talented not to be a regular presence on our screens.

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