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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Nobody wants the Vampire Willow outfit from Buffy The Vampire Slayer !

Thursday 2 November 2006, by Webmaster

This item is for sale since one year :

Do The Kids still care about Buffy The Vampire Slayer? I thought it was all Torchwood round these parts nowadays. Anyway, if you’re still hankering after the Buffster - or to be more accurate, her co-star Alyson Hannigan - you may be interested in this auction for an outfit worn by Willow in two episodes of the show - ’Dopplegangland’ and ’The Wish’. Two episodes? I thought they had a better wardrobe budget than that...

Anyway, the outfit, which wouldn’t look out of place in a Panic! At The Disco video, is on eBay with a Buy It Now price of $17,500, although there’s also an option to make your best offer (e.g. "Give me the outfit for free or I’ll stick a stake through your heart and banish you to the demonic realm"). It comes with a certificate of authenticity from Fox too, so you know you’re getting the real deal.

3 Forum messages

  • I think a lot of people would like to have the Vampire Willow outfit; it is the price that nobody wants, or can afford! One can buy an almost new car for that price. Unless you’re very rich, the asking price is just not within the reach of most Buffy fans!
  • No wonder no one wants it (better yet is bidding) that price is insane!!!
  • Over $17,000 dollars? Heck, $700 wouldn’t even be in my price range! I absolutly LOVED that outfit...but there’s no way in Sunnydale I could aford it!!!!!! Now if it was $70, it would be closer to what I could pay although I have never paid more than $30.00 for a pair of jeans. I’m one of those thrifty shoppers and I’m willing to bet (ha) that this is how the average Buffy fan feels too. If I ever win the lotto though, I would consider it, but then again I’d probably just go buy a car and get more use out of that!!! Yeesh!!!! I don’t know if Paris Hilton or Donald Trump is a Buffy fan, but they are about the only people who could afford it!!!!