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Official Angel Magazine #10 UK - Exclusive Press Release

Thursday 8 April 2004, by Webmaster

Angel #10 - £2.99 On Sale 15 April - Spike Supplement!

Angel Issue#10

A month has now passed since the news that Angel will be no more was broken - unsurprisingly, it’s still the hot topic of conversation! But you can rest assured that it hasn’t dampened Angel Magazine’s enthusiasm to create another fantastic issue! And you’ll be glad to hear that we’ll be around for a good time to come too!

In issue #10, on sale 15 April, we have interviews with the entire Angel cast, Joss Whedon and co-executive producer Jeffrey Bell give their reactions to the cancellation, Tom Lenk talks about Andrew’s return and Jonathan Woodward discusses the über-nice (?) Knox.

In the first of our guides to much loved Angel (and Buffy) characters, we’re homing in on Spike! Find out about James Marsters and follow Spike’s timeline, from his siring to his current incarnation on Angel. We choose our ten favourite Spike episodes, and run a Spike/Buffy/Angel compatibility test to find out who qualifies as the Slayer’s Numero Uno. Plus, test your knowledge with our Spike quiz and create your very own shrine to the peroxided one with our selection of gorgeous Spike posters!

Biting News
This issue: Joss Whedon talks about upcoming Season Five episodes and reveals that Fred is in for a bumpy ride; Angel is nominated for a case full of Saturn awards; Charisma Carpenter is to appear in Playboy; Jeffrey Bell talks about recent episodes and gives his response to the cancellation.

Cast Chat
Several hundred journalists gathered at the Hollywood Renaissance Hotel for an Angel press panel and Angel Magazine was among that number! All of the cast were there, as well as Joss Whedon and Jeffrey Bell. Hosted by Andy Hallett, in full Lorne guise, we hear from David Boreanaz, James Marsters, J. August Richards, Amy Acker and Alexis Denisof!

Damage Control
The filming of Season Five episode “Damage” was one of the most turbulent in Angel history. A new Slayer has arrived in town, but she’s a little unhinged - cue violence, gore and severed limbs. Join us behind-the-scenes as we go on set and on location for the shoot!

Fred’s Lab
Fred’s lab has become an important and much visited part of the Wolfram & Hart offices, and in this issue, production designer Stuart Blatt guides us around.

Knox, Knox...
Who’s there? It’s Jonathan Woodward! Jonathan Woodward who? The Joss Whedon favourite (psych student vampire Holden Webster in Buffy and Tracey in an unaired, Firefly episode), tells us about his nicer-than-nice character and how he believes appearances could prove to be deceptive!

In review - the latest Season Five episodes! Win - Angel merchandise! Cheese! - a lovely family shot of the Angel team for you to pin up!

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Buffy#59 on sale NOW!
In issue #59, we continue with our quest for the latest news, interviews and reviews of all that has been happening in the world of Buffy! This month we have interviews with Nick Brendon (Xander), Kristine Sutherland (Joyce) and former Buffy writer, Jane Espenson. We also revisit the seven Buffy season finales, and take a look at Anya before and after her mortal transformation.

Official Angel Magazine #10 UK - Exclusive Press Release - Gallery
