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Palisades Picks Up the ANGEL PALz Line

By Miss Edith

Monday 8 August 2005, by Webmaster

Palisades picks up Angel license

Last night at Wizard World Chicago, Palisades announced plans for a new Angel line of PALz.

At Wizard’s party, guests received the Wizard World Chicago exclusive Angel PALz. He came bagged, with a card on top; the back reads:

"With Palisades Toys’ buffy the Vampire Slayer PALz already a smash hit, it was only a matter of time before the company saw fit to... well, to spin-off. Here at Wizard World Chicago, Palisades is proud to unveil its plans for an all-new line of PALz, based on characters from the popular series, Angel."

He’s got the same face and hair as the Angel from the Buffy line (both sides, human and vamped), and he’s all in black with a black trenchcoat (I would guess it’s Spike’s, though I haven’t had a chance to look at my own Spike to verify).

I’ll try to get some pictures of mine up later if Palisades doesn’t post its own images soon.

1 Message

  • > Palisades Picks Up the ANGEL PALz Line

    10 August 2005 19:10, by BTVSChick

    Wait, when was this? I went to Wizard World Chicago this past weekend and I saw no promo or any event listed for upcoming prducts.

    How did I miss this?
