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Producer Kelly Manners joins "Dollhouse" Tv Series

Monday 17 March 2008, by Webmaster

Kelly Manners, who worked on both Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel, has joined Dollhouse as Line Producer.

He reunites with Joss Whedon, with whom he worked on Buffy and Angel, Sarah and Elizabeth, who he worked with on Angel, and Tim, who also worked on Angel.

This brings the current team to:

Echo........................... Eliza Dushku

Creator ...................... Joss Whedon

Show runner................. Joss Whedon

Executive producer......... Joss Whedon

Producer....................... Sarah Fain

Producer....................... Elizabeth Craft

Producer....................... Eliza Dushku

Line Producer................. Kelly Manners

Consulting Producer.......... Tim Minear