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Sarah Michelle Gellar

Sarah Michelle Gellar - "Southland Tales" Movie - Cinemablend.com Recap

Sunday 17 September 2006, by Webmaster

I remain defiantly excited about Southland Tales. Yes it got booed at Cannes. Yes Ebert beat it with the ugly stick so hard that it made his infamous Brown Bunny pan sound like a giddy rave. Yes Sony is making Richard Kelly cut the film so we won’t get the full version anyway. Yes Domino sucked with vigor. Yes it seems that my 2001 prediction that Kelly would be the new Gilliam has been far far too accurate for my tastes, with long gaps between films, dying dream projects withering on the vine, and troubles with the studio system. Still, I remember seeing Donnie Darko in theatres opening weekend and having my mind blown wide open and I will remain hopeful that the same experience can be recreated, until the end credits roll and I pick my dreams out of Kelly’s boot treads.

Anyway two clips from Southland Tales have emerged. They’re odd little buggers. In the first The Rock, Buffy, and Stifler discuss their characters, or do they, are they perhaps in character discussing characters their characters play? When I die will I dream? How many angels can dance on the head of a pin? In the second Sarah Michelle Gellar discusses fucking a very large and important man.

Kelly says that his problems with Sony have been blown out of proportion. I hope so, I pray we don’t have another Idiocracy on our hands.

Watch the first clip we’ve seen from Southland Tales below :