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"Serenity Cerberus Desert Camp" Poster - Available for order !

Sunday 22 February 2009, by Webmaster

Part of QMx’s new Serenity: Unification War print series, The ISV Cerberus is a Series 3 Firefly ñ just like Serenity ñ but with a military refit that made it one of the baddest ships ever to take up arms against the Alliance

The Firefly Gunboat variant was the backbone of the Independents air and space forces during the Unification War, equally capable of taking on ground targets and capital ships. Inexpensive to operate and heavily armored, the gunboats gave the Independents an early advantage in the guerrilla battles that dominated the war. For her debut, we see our "Big Dog" taking a much-deserved break, reinforcing an Independents encampment in one of the deserts on Persephone. Look closely and you can see some of her crew and Browncoat marines moving under her shadow. This poster is full of little details and surprises, from the tattered 12th Cavalry flag hanging from the side of a gun emplacement to the "Eat This Purple Bellies" scrawled on the sides of Cerberus’ big missiles.

Each poster is 12.5 by 19.5 inches and ships rolled.

Click on the picture to order :