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"Serenity" Movie among Revolutionsf.com Best Things In Life for 2005

Friday 6 January 2006, by Webmaster

What is Best in Life? (2005 Edition)

In a decade full of “interesting times,” it’s a bittersweet pill that we have all of this wonderful escapist fare coming out, and the fact that all of this is being spun out by former members of The Geek Nation is even more wonderful. Sure, there’s killer hurricanes, poverty, political upheaval, and a war with no end in sight . . . and boy, do we need some heroes right about now.

For our money, here’s what’s best in life.

Rick Klaw, contributing editor

King Kong, Wallace & Gromit, Batman Begins, Batman and Superman animated series, Lost, The Girl in the Glass, Zanesville.

Joe Crowe, news editor

Infinite Crisis, Star Wars and Star Trek take a break, sci-fi on network TV, Marvel Legends action figures, Dragon*Con, good things in Marvel Comics, the Hulk kids’ music CD.

Shane Ivey, managing editor

Batman Begins, Serenity, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lost, Battlestar Galactica, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Serenity Roleplaying Game, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, stuff I helped make, Disney World, King Kong.

Mark Finn, contributing editor

King Kong, Serenity, Lost, Chicken Fried Radio, New Avengers, Ultimate Watchmen, Conquering Sword of Conan, The Cimmerian, Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana, The Riddle of the Traveling Skull, BenBella Books, Arkham Horror, King Kong DVD, Sin City, Andy Serkis.

Kevin Pezzano, anime editor

Revenge of the Sith, Mobile Suit Gundam Zeta, Sin City, Starship Troopers Roleplaying Game, Xbox 360, more anime on Cartoon Network.

Matthew Pook, games editor

World of Darkness RPG, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, Arkham Horror, Descent, Castles & Crusades, Serenity, Doctor Who, Lego Star Wars, Tsuro: The Game of the Path, Night Watch (Nochnoi Dozor), Mitch Benn.

Peggy Hailey, books editor

Lost, King Kong, Polyphone 3 & 5, Adventure Volume 1, World Fantasy Award for John Picacio, Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana, magicians and con artists and ghosts, oh my!, Vandermeer goes mainstream, live giant squid.