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"Serenity" documentary could be done before Comic-Con

Tuesday 30 May 2006, by Webmaster

Unfortunately today’s update going to look a lot like the last update, for a couple of reasons. First, the last 2-3 weeks we have been a bit less productive than usual due to some insane deadlines at our day jobs (for the record, 4 of the 5 producers of Done the Impossible, work at the same company, Rivetal, Inc., and our star client New Line, has kept us VERY busy with some DVD-ROM projects.). But those deadlines are now behind us and we are back to spending every free minute on the documentary DVD. The second reason is that the individual features are so extensive, that we are still working mostly on those same features.

Here is where we stand on the various elements:

* The Documentary is done, DONE, DONE, including closing credits, color correction and final music selection.
* Jewel’s voice over has been integrated into the DVD features. Here’s a sample.
* The six (yes 6+) hours of bonus video for the DVD-ROM is edited and transcribed and is ready for final event syncing.
* The tribute to Lux video is finished including a special new song from the Bedlam Bards.
* All the trivia questions have been written, and now we have to create all the question screens.
* Commentary track is fully edited and ready for import into the DVD project.
* "What is Firefly?" and its associated feature "A Tribute to Firefly" written by Tracy Hickman & Brian Wiser, has been recorded by Jewel. We still have to come up with some kind of animation to go along with it.
* The Equality Now video is complete.
* We aren’t all that happy with our first attempt at the DVD menu design, so we are going to work some more on it.
* Production on Music, Sponsors, ’Verse Dictionary and the DVD credits sections have yet to be started.
* The DVD-ROM programming will start in the next week or two.
* Final DVD authoring and programming has begun.
* That leaves the Interactive Timeline, which is still in heavy media production. I just did the math today, and this feature alone contains over 1800 different media elements.