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Buffy The Vampire Slayer

TV Gal Spikes Interest

Friday 23 May 2003, by Webmaster

Who was I kidding?

How could I possibly think I could narrow the best moments of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to just 10?

First of all, I’m not going to even try to pick one moment from "Once More, with Feeling" (Nov. 6, 2001) or "The Body" (Feb. 27, 2001). Those two episodes were so absolutely perfect that I declared them masterpieces and took them out of the running. Still, I agonized over the list until I realized, wait a minute, it’s my column, who’s to say it can’t be 15 favorite moments?

I tried to think about the moments that stuck with me. The moments I remember. The moments I wanted to see again. The moments that, well, slayed me.

1. Angel Loses His Soul in "Surprise" (Jan. 19, 1998): Does it get any better than Angel waking up, running outside, falling to his knees and uttering the anguished, "Buffy." This was the moment that changed the show, kicked off what is perhaps the series’ strongest story arc, and was the first peak we got at David Boreanaz’s range as an actor.

2. Buffy and Angelus Fight in "Becoming, Part 2" (May 19, 1998): This moment sums up the series: Angelus has the slayer backed into the wall with a sword at her throat. He says, "No weapons, no friends, no hope. Take all that away, what’s left?" Buffy opens her eyes and says, "Me."

3. Buffy Dies in "The Gift" (May 22, 2001): After realizing death is her gift, a peaceful Buffy runs and swan dives into the portal Dawn’s blood had opened. "The hardest thing in this world is to live in it. Be brave. Live for me," she tells Dawn. The camera pans her distraught friends (it’s a toss-up who is more heartbreaking — a sobbing Willow or a sobbing Spike) and we see Buffy’s tombstone — "She saved the world. A lot."

4. Buffy Tells Spike She Was in Heaven in "After Life" (Oct. 9, 2001): After thanking her friends for bringing her back to life, Buffy steps out of the Magic Box to find Spike lurking in the shadows. She tells him, "I think I was in heaven and now I’m not ... Everything here is hard and bright and violent ... This is hell." This moment truly changed the Spike and Buffy relationship (she confessed to him things she was afraid to tell her friends) and set the series off on its course for the season. This is also the episode where Spike tells Buffy, "Dozens of times, lots of different ways, every night I save you." Ah, such tragic times.

5. Snow Falls in "Amends" (Dec. 15, 1998): We get our first introduction to The First when Angel is haunted by what appears to be the ghost of Jenny Calendar. Angel stands on a cliff waiting for the sun to rise. "The world wants me gone," he tells Buffy. But as snow gently starts to fall in Sunnydale and the weatherman announces "You shouldn’t expect to see the sun at all today," Angel realizes that’s not true.

6. Spike Tells Buffy He Has a Soul in "Beneath You" (Oct. 1, 2002): In a church and protected by the shadows, a troubled and barely sane Spike confesses to Buffy that he went and got himself a soul. Spike hangs on a cross smoldering and says, "Can we rest now? Buffy, can we rest?"

7. Giles Returns in "Two to Go" (May 21, 2002): I didn’t notice how much I missed — and the series needed — the presence of my favorite Watcher, until Giles returned for the two-hour season six finale. Willow announces, "There’s no one in the world who has the power to stop me." A dashing Giles stands in the door of the Magic Box and announces, "I’d like to test that theory."

8. The Unforgettable Final Moments of "The Wish" (Dec. 8, 1998): In haunting slow motion, Xander kills Angel, Oz kills Willow, Buffy kills Xander and the Master breaks Buffy’s neck.

9. Buffy and Spike Have Sex in "Smashed" (Nov. 20, 2001): Man, I still don’t think I’m old enough to watch the end of this episode. As the building came crashing down around them, Buffy and Spike consummate their relationship (note the sound of Spike’s zipper) and begin a torrid, and for the most part secret, affair. Season six is so interesting because I think it has some of the best moments, but not necessarily the best episodes. For example, this episode also featured the de-ratting of Amy, not the best story line to ever come out of Hellmouth.

10. Xander Saves the Day in "Grave" (May 21, 2002): Xander, the only Scoobie without a special power, finally gets his moment. It turns out his power is his love and loyalty. "Where else am I gonna go? You’ve been my best friend my whole life. The world’s gonna end, where else would I want to be," he tells Will. As she continues to attack him, he continues to tell Willow he loves her until her grief overwhelms her and she finally breaks down.

11. Willow Decides to Go to UC Sunnydale in "Choices" (May 4, 1999): Willow — who can go to any college she wants (some even in Europe) — tells Buffy she’ll be matriculating with her in the fall. "It’s a good fight Buffy, and I want in." Buffy responds, "I kind of love you," cementing a friendship that will withstand some seriously tough times. Willow also says that staying in Sunnydale gives her a shot at being "a bad-ass wicca." Yet another foreshadowing of things to come.

12. Xander and Willow Kiss in "Homecoming" (Nov. 3, 1998): The Willow and Xander fierce and loyal friendship is one of my favorite aspects of the show. In season three, the duo dabble in a romance that begins when they see each other in their homecoming attire. Willow calls it a fluke and Xander replies, "There will be no more fluking." I know Willow moved way past her crush on Xander, but that moment in Willow’s bedroom always gives me butterflies.

13. Willow and Oz Say Goodbye in "New Moon Rising" (May 2, 2000): After Willow tells Oz and the rest of her friends about her relationship with Tara, she and Oz say goodbye to each other in his van. "I feel like some part of me will always be waiting for you. Like, if I’m old and blue-haired and I turn a corner in Istanbul and there you are, I won’t be surprised. Because you’re with me, you know?" And we knew exactly what Willow meant.

14. Willow and Tara Float in "Family" (Nov. 7, 2000): After Tara’s family comes for a visit and the gang finally claims her as one of their own ("You want her Mr. Maclay? You can go ahead and take her. You just gotta go through me." Buffy tells him), Willow and Tara dance together until they eventually float.

15. Buffy and Faith Battle in "Graduation Day, Part I" (May 18, 1999): Beginning in Faith’s swank Mayor-paid-for apartment and continuing on to the roof top, the two slayers battle to the death. When Buffy (who looks super fabulous in her red leather pants) finally stabs Faith, the slayer-gone-bad jumps off the building, but not before getting in the parting shot, "You killed me. Still won’t help your boy though." In the next episode, Buffy will help her boy when Angel feeds off her. Another fantastic moment, but I had to stop somewhere, didn’t I?

What else can I say about a series that is easily the best show I’ve ever watched? Like in that magnificent episode "Hush," there are no words. This Tuesday night at 8 p.m. on UPN (and I really need someone to explain to me why it’s not a two-hour finale), my Spike doll and I will sit on the couch to watch the series finale entitled "Chosen" and written and directed by Joss Whedon. You’ve read the spoilers, you’ve heard the rumors, now be strong. We’ll get through this together.