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The Browncoats Prayer

Friday 25 May 2007, by Webmaster

Intended to be "funny but true"... hope I don’t offend any religious sensibilities...

I Wrote this today!

The Browncoats Prayer

Who art in Hollywood, Whedon be thy name.
Thy ideas come, and will be done
On film as they are in Comic Books.

Give us someday a little more Serenity,
And deliver us from Reality Television.
For thine is the Wit, the Wisdom,
And the Imagination

Forever and ever,


2 Forum messages

  • The Browncoats Prayer

    26 May 2007 03:16, by Anonymous

    As the officially endorsed High Priest o’ Joss Whedon (now with photographic proof), I consecrate thy prayer, as an official prayer of the Church

    Blessed be the Joss, whose imperfections are the most perfect imperfections it is possible to carry, who is holy in his hottiness, and may his blessings, his cheese popcorn, and those who follow his mighty ways.

  • The Browncoats Prayer

    27 May 2007 15:12, by Anonymous