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The Ultimate Browncoat Book Collection on Ebay.com for Charity

Wednesday 11 June 2008, by Webmaster

Do you want to be able to quote Mal’s “I’m a good man” speech? Or swear in phonetic Chinese? How about rattle off the complete description of Vera? Now you can with this essential book collection for every fan of Firefly from its creators and its cast. Kids Need to Read Charity Auctions presents all six official books of Joss Whedon’s beloved ‘verse – chock full of information and details you can’t get anywhere else. As if that weren’t enough, every book has Nathan Fillion’s and Alan Tudyk’s signatures inside! The six titles are:

Firefly – The Official Companion: Volume One

The official companion! Here are the full, uncut shooting scripts for the episodes “Serenity,” “The Train Job,” “Bushwhacked,” “Shindig,” “Safe,” and “Our Mrs. Reynolds”. It also includes interviews, commentary, character profiles, and production design secrets! Plus, rare and previously unpublished images of behind-the-scenes shots, production art, and original props and costumes.

Firefly – The Official Companion: Volume Two

Contains the full, uncut shooting scripts for “Jaynestown,” “Out of Gas,” “Ariel,” “War Stories,” “Trash,” “The Message,” “Heart of Gold,” and “Objects in Space,” as well as exclusive new interviews and memories from the cast members, writers and crew. More previously unpublished images are also included.

Finding Serenity: Anti-heroes, Lost Shepherds and Space Hookers in Joss Whedon’s Firefly

A collection of twenty essays about the show Firefly, its universe and characters from writers, actors, scholars and fans. One highlight is an article by Jewel Staite, Serenity’s sweet and feisty mechanic Kaywinnet Lee Frye. In addition to Nathan’s and Alan’s autographs, this book is also signed by Jane Espenson, Firefly’s “Shindig” screenwriter and the editor of this anthology.

Serenity Found: More Unauthorized Essays on Joss Whedon’s Firefly Universe

Another highly enjoyable and thought-provoking look into the Firefly/Serenity ‘verse edited by Jane Espenson; this time including eighteen essays that reflect on both Firefly and its feature film Serenity. Contributors include actor Nathan Fillion, as well as noted science fiction writer Orson Scott Card. Fun and insightful!

Serenity – The Official Visual Companion by Joss Whedon.

This is the entire shooting script for the movie Serenity, including scenes that you didn’t see. But there is so much more – tons of photos and production drawings of weapons, ships, costumes and every major set; quotes from the cast; and even storyboards. A visual stunner!

Serenity: Those Left Behind (Hardcover) – Story by Joss Whedon and Brett Matthews. Art by Will Conrad.

The fans love this graphic novel, whose story bridges the gap between the Firefly TV series and the movie Serenity. Serenity’s crew takes on a mission without realizing the whole gig is orchestrated by an old enemy! Plus, you won’t want to miss the heartwarming “Introduction” by Nathan Fillion. This hardcover edition boasts new cover art by Adam Hughes and over a dozen pages of behind-the-scenes concept and production art from the film Serenity not appearing in the three-issue comics and trade paperback versions.

You will find the auction at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110261082786

Bidding begins immediately and opens at $150.00. Bids will be accepted until June 15, 2008.

Thank you to the many supporters of Kids Need to Read who contributed to this fabulous collection. Our gratitude is extended to Nathan, Alan and Jane for taking the time to sign these books! Money raised from these auctions is used to purchase books for under-funded schools and libraries, as well as for other literary organizations that provide books to disadvantaged children.