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From Bbc.co.uk


Top Angel Episodes In Angel Magazine

Sunday 6 February 2005, by Webmaster

An Angel Magazine poll runs down their readers’ top 25 episodes.

The latest episode of Angel Magazine contains the results of a poll in which readers were asked to vote for their favourite three episodes.

If anyone needed proof, the top five produce copious evidence that Angel fans like nothing better than a good weepy. No fewer than three slots are filled by episodes in which someone dies: You’re Welcome, A Hole in the World and Hero.

The list lightens up a bit with Smile Time at number two, and then we’re back in full tear-jerker mode with heartbreaking episode I Will Remember You at number one. Blimey! You lot need to cheer up a bit.

The full list of all 70 top episodes can be found in this months Angel Magazine, which also features interviews with Sarah Thompson (Eve) and Jenny Mollen (Nina).

1 Message

  • > Top Angel Episodes In Angel Magazine

    7 February 2005 12:34, by Sarah
    i agree, although i am a spuffy shipper, that episode always brings on a flood of tears. Its so sad, the bit when Buffy goes "It’s not enough time!" and then they kiss and she embraces him saying "I’ll never forget, I’ll never forget" it breaks my heart. And you see Angel crying, something that, lets face it, doesn’t happen all that often, that just tears me up. Its made even more heart wrenching by the fact that Angel knows what happened, and everything he experienced with Buffy. Couldn’t the Oracles have made it so that he forgot about it after the threat passed?????????????? Joss sure knows how to make us cry. And credit MUST go to David and Sarah for their flawless, and outstanding acting.