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Universal Announce Australia’s Serenity DVD Release

Friday 11 November 2005, by Webmaster

Dear Browncoats,

Here at Universal Pictures Australia we are very excited to be planning the DVD release of Serenity, which is scheduled for February 8, 2006. The Australian version of the DVD will be unique from other countries, in that it will feature some additional pieces of bonus content that will not appear on the US version. We are in the process of finalising the extra content and we will let you know exactly what you will find on the Australian DVD shortly. We are also looking at creative options for some special packaging and we will also update you on this in the near future. Rest assured though that we will be delivering a unique DVD for this market!

We have been following with interest activity on this site about all things Serenity related, and we look forward to working with you all and getting to know you over the coming months. We will keep you informed of all developments with the DVD as they come to hand, and please feel free to send us your feedback as we would love to hear it.

Thank-you to our friends at UIP for doing such a great job with the site, and the theatrical launch of Serenity. Hopefully interest in the DVD release will be just as strong. We look forward to your support!

Stay tuned for more updates!

Serenity DVD Team

Universal Pictures Australia