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Update : "We’re too pretty to die" Flan 2 Backup Bash


Friday 1 December 2006, by Webmaster


The update from Denise at Booster yesterday did sound positive, and as we’ve said from the beginning, the best situation for everyone would be to have Flan go off as planned. That said, we are still making preparations for the backup bash, until we hear officially that Flan is back on.

We have set up a web form at www.sfbrowncoats.com/backupbash to gatherspecific information about numbers of attendees, and to allow people to sign up for updates by e-mail.

If you bought a ticket to Flanvention, please take a moment to let us know whether or not you will be attending the Backup Bash, should Flanvention be cancelled. We are hoping to get input from all of the ticket holders, so we can keep everyone in the loop as events unfold. There is an option on the form to sign up on the mailing list to be updated with information as it becomes available.

If you didn’t buy a ticket to Flanvention, but want to join us at the Backup Bash, let us know, too. Flanvention ticket-holders will have priority, of course, but for every ticket holder who decides to stay home, there’s a seat open for someone to have an unexpectedly exciting weekend!

If you would like to donate toward the funding of the Backup Bash, we have a special PayPal account set up for the event, and added a "make a donation" link on the web form. We’ll add it to www.californiabrowncoats.com as soon as possible as well. Should Flanvention not be cancelled and the Backup Bash not happen, all donations will be refunded.

While we’re keeping our fingers crossed for Flan, we’re still working on making this the best backup bash ever, so stay tuned!