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From Seprah.com


Variety AD : "Serenity" Movie thank you from the Browncoats

Saturday 15 October 2005, by Webmaster

The ad is appearing in the Daily National Variety for October 14, 2005. We tried to make it available to everyone we could, and to find people who are willing to ship it to those with no access, please check the official Browncoats board at: browncoats.serenitymovie.com.

The issues will be available for order next week. The number to call is 866-698-2743, and the issues cost $6.95 each. The issue will arrive in 10 business days.

Variety AD : "Serenity" Movie thank you from the Browncoats - Gallery

IMG/jpg/serenity-variety-ad-bdtyjpgbw.jpg IMG/jpg/serenity-variety-ad-bdtyjpgcolor.jpg IMG/jpg/serenity-variety-ad-bdtywall1280.jpg

1 Message

  • > Variety AD : "Serenity" Movie thank you from the Browncoats

    19 October 2005 19:41, by martheev(Jason)

    Well with a username like "IHATEBROWNCOATS" we appreciate you stretching your many faceted abilities to come in here and comment hateful things toward the people of this board.

    But anyway, i hate doing so, but in the box office i have to agree with you. Serenity is quite the flop from what I know I expected it to be. I thought it would at least reach #1 in opening weekend. And I certianly didnt expect it to slip down as fast as it has. Makes me a little sad.

    Truth wont really be told until the dvd release however. I could see where people would be more willing to give it a chance paying four bucks to rent it instead of between seven and ten to see it in the theater. I believe thats how we ended up with one of the Austin Powers sequels. Some movies profit better from dvd sales than the box office, leading to a sequel with more fans and more profit the second time around. It’s not a far fetched idea to believe there’s still hope for the Serenity franchise.

    So, while i think your comment is a bit premature, i can see where youre coming from.