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What To Watch Wednesday (angel mention)

By Robert Bianco

Wednesday 19 May 2004, by cally

Critic’s Corner

Robert Bianco

What to watch Wednesday

• In commemoration of the upcoming 60th anniversary of D-Day, PBS presents a two-hour Secrets of the Dead: D-Day special (Wednesday, 9, times may vary). The show uses interviews with American, British, Canadian and German soldiers to tell the story of the World War II battle, from planning to Allied victory.

• Despite the frantic efforts of its fans to delay the WB-induced inevitable, the time has come to say goodbye to Angel (WB, 9 p.m. ET/PT). For those who loved Angel and its parent, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, parting will be hard - and not just because the show has been so good, or because its end is so untimely. It won’t even be because we know beyond a reasonable doubt that most of WB’s new series won’t hold a candle to the show the network has just unceremoniously dumped. No, the real sorrow is that Joss Whedon, one of TV’s best and most dedicated writers, is now out of television - and there’s no guarantee he’ll ever return. That, believe me, is sad news indeed.

• Here’s more sad news. Tonight’s season finale marks the last appearance by Jerry Orbach on Law & Order (10 p.m. ET/PT). Next season, he moves on to another L&O, while Dennis Farina takes his place on the original.

1 Message

  • > What To Watch Wednesday

    25 May 2004 15:19, by judy -Canada
    WE (our family & friends ) will not watch the w.b after the last ep. of Angel. Too bad we will find another show on another channel, we haven’t watched the wb since last wednesday night and after this week it’s farewell Angel and wb.