Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Anonymous :

whats QVC?

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Anonymous :

QVC is like the original Shopping Channel. It’s sad that it has to be explained. The article does make good points. I love Alyson, but it really ticks me off when I hear people say actors are "Great Talents". Talent? Acting is Hours of people doing your makup, followed by making sure you can read. An idiot can do it, Proven by the fact that Farah Faucet is a successful actress.

Tuesday 22 February 2005, by Loyal fan of Quality TV :

"where people just plop on a couch watch anything that’s on to keep them from getting up and looking for the remote. You want challenging? Go on Celebrity Jeopardy and answer geographical questions because unless there’s a serial stalker on board ready to wreak some havoc on the series finale of Everybody Loves Raymond, it’s pretty much pointless characters across the board."

Excuse me, I dont just plop on the couch and watch whatevers on TV. The shows i watch are far underrated and intriguing. Buffy, Angel, Lost are all great shows that make you think for weeks after watching. Shows like raymond and reality shows are too popular and are driving out the quality shows.

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