Sunday 18 April 2004, by Wolverine68 :

Geller is right. Some may not be happy, but those are peopel who will aways want more then availble. To them I say nothing last forever, get over it.

Personally I think Buffy went on to long, but whatever. There was not much move to do. Vampires, demons, apocalypses, even godz, have all been done.

Writters will always be able to come up with something else. However, I’d say reruns are better then recycling ideas.

Monday 19 April 2004, by Speds :

Too long man!?! No way!! But I’m a fan that could watch Sarah, Nick, James, Alysson and Anthony having a farting contest and still buy the DVD as soon as it released.

Good on Sarah for having the guts to leave a steady pay cheque but I’ll ALWAYS miss Buffy!! Thank god for Box Sets!

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