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From Btvsfigs.proboards30.com

Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy & Angel Figures - Diamond Select Toys - Btvsfigs.proboards30.com Interview

By CMK1887

Wednesday 16 February 2005, by Webmaster

Here’s Ask Diamond #20...


Is the next round of deluxe figures, set to feature Angel and Spike, still planned to be released in 2005?

Which versions are going to be available for the deluxe Angel and Spike figures?

No, the next deluxe line will not be in 2005. I think we’ve got PLENTY of stuff already coming out in 05.

Would you consider repainting the Scythe’s lover holders from red to silver, as they should be?

We’ve pulled lots of reference on this and we’re pretty confident we have it correct.


Any chance of interchangeable arms on the Wesley/Lorne figures so that the jackets can be taken off?

Nope. It will be just like Spike and his jacket.

Any chance of Wesley getting a better hairstyle? His hair only looked that messed up during the third season. In every other, his hair was very well groomed and gelled, and didn’t stick out on the sides like the hair does on the Wesley’s we’ve seen so far.

All those photos are early prototypes without going into each detail we always strive to make these as actuate to the season or episode as possible.

Will "Rain of fire" Wesley’s pants be changed to blue to match the episode?

Darker colors seem to be very difficult to pick out in some parts of Angel. We’ve checked the DVD’s, and black is the correct color choice.

What is going to make buying both Season Four Wesley and "Rain of fire" Wesley worth doing? They seem awfully similar and the casual buyer probably won’t fork out for both.

Customers have to answer this question every time we put out a new release. There are some sculpt differences, paint changes, and different accessories, but Rain of Fire Wesley will probably come with contact lenses while Season 4 Wesley...

Will Wesley and Lorne come with actual bases that have pegs for them to stand on or will their bases be ones that are more like Spike’s base?

They will come with basically the same bases MAC showed.


Not really a question...but thank you for deciding to create an Angel/Fred wave! Those two figure choices are outstanding!

Thanks. Glad you like them.

What are the planned variants for the Angel/Fred line?

We can’t say until the partners are all lined up.

If we can’t know the variants, could we at least find out how many variants you have planned for each character?

We hope to follow the same template.

Could you please confirm whether or not Illyria is a possible Fred variant for the newly announced Angel series, or whether DST still considers Illyria to be a separate figure that may be released as part of the Angel series at some later point in time?

Hmm...Fred and Illyria on the one hand are different characters, but on the other hand would make very little sense to do one and not the other, I’ll have to go check on that.


I remember DST talking about creating their own version of the MAC club, and I was wondering what was going on with that. Any news?

It’s still in the plans and it’s important to us, but just like the web store, we never announce anything until we’re all set and confident we can do it correctly.

The info on Puppet Angel calls him a plush, but mentions the mouth opens and closes. Does this mean he’s a doll who’s mouth can be pushed open or closed? Or is he a working hand puppet?

Yes, it opens and closes for full brooding action, but no, it’s not a hand puppet.

We all know that you are releasing Puppet Angel in Plush Form, but is there a chance that he may become available in plastic as well? Variant(s) for the new Angel figures? *Hint* *Hint*

To be honest, there are no plans right now, and I am not sure our rights extend to plastic.

Are Kate and Doyle possible for a future line of Angel?

Not likely.

Thanks again!

No problem. Talk to you all after Toy Fair. Be sure to look for HUGE Buffy news from DST at the show!