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The Firefly Season 2 Project : To Sell Episodes Directly To Fans

Monday 23 January 2006, by Webmaster

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Captain Mal and the crew of Serenity need your help to stay flying. The Network "Alliance" wants to deny us of our beloved show, so the battle has begun.

We are looking to push the envelope of episodic television by offering Season Two of Firefly in a groundbreaking new format. Each episode (or the entire season) will be available for purchase in Standard or Hi-Definition.

Subscribers may choose one of three playback options; monthly DVD deliveries, TV On-Demand using your cable or satellite provider, or computer viewing via Streaming Download.

In order for our fight to be successful, we first need to take stock of the browncoat recruits that support our cause. It will only take a minute, is strictly confidential, and each profile will take the independents one step closer to victory!

3 Forum messages

  • sadly that won’t happen in my lifetime. and it isn’t the case of "maybe this is the first step to help push people to make it happen" the costs are too high for producting an episode. you would have to have 3 million people signing up and paying 20 bucks monthly..that wont happen

    It’s a little sad too this "alliance" thing...it’s business, people...things happen for a reason and not because people are evil and stuff. it’s an incredible show, but there’s not so many of us to make this do-able.

  • Its very unliikely but possible. Im sure FF/Serneity has 3 million fans worldwide. If they actually announced it was possible for this to happen. With Joss Whedon and cast and crew asking for 50 dollars a person for the season+you get a dvd with extras at the end of it. This COULD happen.

    very unlikely though.

  • Look’s like you have made me an upset Browncoat...

    What the hell is this Joss Whedon is the only person who can make firefly work !!!!

    This is a bad Idea .... Nuff Said