Sunday 30 May 2004, by krosieangel :

how do we know thats spikes dust for all we know that could be from a ashtray

Sunday 30 May 2004, by Anonymous :

what will they think of selling next?!

Sunday 30 May 2004, by Bana :

That is too cool!

Monday 31 May 2004, by James :

This has got to be the stupidest thing I have ever seen and what is worse is some Spike fanatic will by the crap.

Monday 31 May 2004, by Jim Yelinek :

Wow...who ever buys that is a little weird I think personally...

Monday 31 May 2004, by Kacey :

If you can perform that ritual that ressurected Darla at the end of S1 then you could have your very own Spike

Wednesday 2 June 2004, by Anonymous :

Just look at the amount of money people spent on JM hair... his "dust" isnt so surprising.

Now... can someone please tell me why idiots on EBay drive up the price days before the auction ends. Idiots. How do they not know they are only raising the price for themselves. Idiots.

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